You are going to need a candy thermometer and keep stirring so the milk doesn't scald. |
Do you like that sparkle? This is way more than needed. The extra I spread on graham crackers and fed to J. He was a big, happy blue mess! |
I added 5 tablespoons of the mix to another container along with 6 oz of store-bought plain yogurt and about the same amount of the milk. I whisked it until it was smooth and then added it to the rest of the milk and whisked again.
Oooo purple! |
After 7 hours the caps go on and they go in the fridge to cool. They should be ready to eat tomorrow. I'll let you know how they turn out.
Twin List time:
#17 make sure that while you are "surviving" the day, you are also taking time to get to know your babies
#18 if your husband offers to help-take him up on it, regardless of the tone he asks it in
#19 remember that your previous life isn't over-you just have to re-create yourself.
Halloween update: I took the day off from costumes yesterday, but I'm back on it. I cut out C's suit and will sew it up when the kids all wake up from their nap. Hopefully I'll have it finished today.
I can hardly wait for the yogurt!